It was the start of September just a few
days after our summer holidays. We were told that we were going to get an
aquarium. we were so excited that we all were jumping up and down we all wanted
a certain fish and there was a lot of looking on the Wikipedia and other
internet sites to decide what fish to choose. Then we decided which fish we
wanted. We also made a group project about fish it was so fun and we are all
happy that we have our fish and that Mrs. Spencer’s husband got us some other
new one`s after our WW2 Project, Thank You.
Our Fish Tank
By Rowan Parameter
We got our fish tank quite soon after
school started and have tetras, ancistrus, a bronze cory, angel fish and
harlequins. We had two angel fish, one
golden and the other black. The black
one died about a month ago. We have
increased the fish population as the tank has become mature and have replaced
the angel fish which died.
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