World War 2
Naoise Wheeler
Recently Mrs.
Spencer had an idea and asked us to do a project about WW2. Mrs. Spencer gave us a sheet which had the
amount of points that you got for each topic in the project. Everybody did completely different types of
projects. Some people did booklets and
some people did big posters. The biggest
project was Seth's which was longer than one of the school tables and Seth
hand-wrote most of his project himself.
Lucy Fitzgerald used home-made paper which looked really old. Matthew finished his project in the shortest
length of time. Dara and Nathan did
Powerpoint presentations on the computer which was very good. All the projects were displayed in the PE
hall and the parents came into school to look at them.
Lucy Rhatigan
came first place overall and she wrote a lot about Adolf Hitler when he was
growing up.
The main topics
we covered out WW2 were: an introduction, a timeline of events in the war, the
countries involved, the big battles e.g. the battle of Dunkirk and the Battle
of Britain, the evacuation (the kids that went to live in the countryside), the
Blitz (the bombing of London), technology and warfare, different types of
aircraft, spies, concentration camps and the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the German
Army. The diary of Anne Frank and some
people even have ancestors that were involved in World War 2. The invention of nuclear weapons and the
Atomic Bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the USA which forced
Japan to surrender. 61 countries were
involved in World War 2 and around 60 million people died and 6 million Jewish
people died in WW2.
All of the
projects were amazing. I was really
surprised because most of the people who died in WW2 were from the Allies and
the Allies won the war. I never knew how
bad WW2 was until I did the project and I learned so much. It was really sad because so many people
died. I hope people will never start
such a big war again. I want to thank
Pete and Larry and Pete's wife for coming into our school and judging our
World War 2 Projects
We had to present our WW2 projects to the 5th
and 6th class parents. Friday
the 17th was our open day. We
did a lot more than just presenting on the day.
It started with a visit from Pete McWilliams. He talked to us about the RAF. Later we went to the hall to present our
projects to the judges. The three judges
were Peter McWilliams, his wife Lorraine McWilliams and Larry Roe. Which we were presenting our projects Mrs
Spencer cooked really yummy pizza. We
had a break while the judges were looking at the projects. When the judges came back afterwards they
said that we had all done an amazing job.
Then parents came to the hall along with pupils from the other classes.
We had a great time telling everyone about our projects.
WW2 Projects 2017
the beginning of October 5thand 6thclasses were given
individual World War 2 projects that were due on the 17th of
By the time we were finished our
projects we became more knowledgeable of WW2 topics such as Hitler, important
battles, The Holocaust etc.
It was a great experience for us to
work at a secondary school standard.
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