and 6th Class in September 2017
Back to school and what a busy month we had. To start with it was a fishy tale. We have put a tropical aquarium in our classroom with Angel Fish, Ancistrus,
Cardinal Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras and Black Mollies. The fish are native to warmer waters than the
Irish Sea so the aquarium heater is set at 25 degrees Celsius.
Our Aquarium |
We learnt about how water is filtered to make it clear. Filtration can happen naturally or, in the
case of our tank, it is man-made. We made our own filters in plastic
bottles experimenting with fine stones, sand, filter wool and sponges. The filters removed particles from the water
fairly well, but we all agreed with a bit more work, our designs could be
further improved
Making a filter |
If that wasn’t fishy enough, we then worked in teams on our 1
st projects of the year: Creatures which live in the Water. We all choose different topics including Seahorses, Sharks, Turtles, Coral Reefs and Weird Fish. The winning project was one of the Seahorse projects, closely followed by Weird Fish.
The winning project - all about seahorses |
A close second - super work! |
We went on three wonderful trails: two history trails of Rathdrum with Mrs Lawson. We learnt all about the past of the town and
how it was; the centre of the flannel industry, a major tourist destination for
visitors coming on the train not to mention having a large garrison. We learnt
about the Brunel Bridge, the importance of the Mill, the 1798 Rebellion and the
impact of the Great Famine.
We also went on a Maths
trail. Parents very kindly came
along to make this lovely afternoon possible.
We had to match photos, price meat in the butcher, find the cost of a
stamp to Peru and many more activities.
Selfies at key locations were part of the trail. |
In Art we made amazing harvest breads. They are made out of dough (a bit
like pizza dough) but with more salt and then glazed with eggs. We used 30 egg yolks to glaze our
breads! They looked wonderful and
smelled delicious when they came out of the oven. ….we didn’t eat them. The breads were used to decorate the church
in Laragh for the Harvest Festival Service.
Step 1 - Make a base |
Step 2 Start to add the pieces |
Step 3 - Mouse in place, nearly there! |
The egg glaze is essential |
5 stunning harvest breads were made by the teams to send to Laragh for Harvest Festival. |
As well as all of
this we were delighted to take part in the leaving ceremonies for both Mrs
Finnan and Mrs Lawson. 5th
and 6th class miss both teachers greatly. We also wish them great happiness for their
futures. We performed the poem
‘Macavity’ by T.S. Eliot for Mrs Lawson
and wrote a song for her too.