Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Science Week 2015

Julia Marzoni and Pat Lacey From Merck came in to speak with us. 

Today we were fortunate enough to have a presentation by Pat and Julia from MSD as part of our Science Week.

Julia spoke to us about the history of medicines, from natural remedies such as tree barks used in ancient times to modern pharmaceutical. She spoke about John Snow’s identification of cholera, of Louis Pasteur’s research in microbiology, and his chance discoveries of penicillin.
Pat discussed the operations of a modern pharmaceutical facility, like the M.S.D factory at Rathdrum. He compared the operation of the factory to bread making. I found this a great description very useful in helping me to understand exactly how the batches of tablets and medicines are made.
We were very fortunate to get to talk to Julia and Pat about the interesting jobs in science.
By Adam

Science Week

On Monday 9th of November 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th had a speaker come in and talk to them about engineering. The lady’s name was Karen and she talked to us about engineering. Karen showed us videos about engineering, the video was about when you wake up to an alarm. Engineers have made and invented that you have toast for breakfast. Engineers have made the toaster eg Karen showed us pictures of when she worked in Jaguers Land Rover in England.
She showed us all the tests she did on the cars like the water test when she drove really fast in a car around a wet motorway and tested which tyres were best for that test. She did a really good job and I learned loads!

Ø  Being a Mechanical engineer means they work with cars and engines and robots or factory machines.
Ø  Engineers think a different way to normal people do.
Ø  Engineers are always thinking what they can do to make the world better.
Ø  You would have to be good at maths to be a engineer.
Ø  Some engineers work on making bridges and structural engineers.
Ø  It takes four years of study at college to be a mechanical engineer.

By Zoe

On Wednesday Catríona came in to talk to us about engineers and what engineering is all about.
Basically what engineering is, is fixing problems in our homes or making things possible so hopefully in the future we could have hoverboards etc
Catríona is a software engineer so she works with computers. She does alot of coding with her work. Coding is basically telling the computer what to do and how to react in different situations.

*        Maths is an important subject if you won’t to be an engineer
*        Coding is telling a computer what to do
*        Engineers fix problems, they ask the questions.
*        Software engineers do lots of coding.
*        To be an engineer you have often to travel alot to work with different people
*        There are lots of types of engineers like civil engineers who design roads and bridges, mechanical engineer who make and design cars and robots, software engineers who programme computers and chemical engineers who work with materials.

By Laoise

What a Troubled World

Look at it this way the world may be ok at the moment but in 10, 20,  50 years what is it going to be like? Why don’t we look up from our everyday lives and actually see what we are doing to our lovely planet.
Just think about if a few million on earth put a real effort into this because not one person can do it alone, but as a united nation it is more than possible.
Just think if we stopped driving our cares and polluting the planet we could change the world into a better place.
Imagine a world with no starving people and polluted lakes and rivers with no big polluting chemicals. I know the world will never be a perfect place where the new born human baby will play with the adult lion but why not make it the best we can because a lot of people are happy at the moment.
Just think how much of a better place we could make it because a lot of people think going out an extra few miles in your car won’t hurt, but it will.
If we continue the way we’re going, we’re going to be over populated, rundown world with half of it impossible to live in due to global warming. The British and the Americans fought Germany for their future and ours. Now we need to fight for our future and our descendants future. We want to live a full life so make it happen, now.

By Ben 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Science Week 2015

St. Saviour’s National School, Rathdrum celebrated the 20th anniversary of Science Week with a variety of events and activities. The week’s events included informative presentations from Karen Fitzgerald who is studying a PHD in hip replacement technology, Catriona Shannon a senior computer software engineer in IBM and Pat Lacey/Julia Mizoni from Merck Pharmaceuticals. All of the presentations gave the children an insight into how important science is in our everyday lives. On Tuesday, it was the children’s opportunity to be scientists when the children hosted their own science exhibition. The children from 3rd-6th classes conducted and presented experiments for the rest of the school. The experiments were across a variety of topics including designing a lava lamp, robots, creating fire extinguishers, investigating how strong eggshells are, designing a paddle boat and lots more. The week also included science logo and poetry competitions, science raps and whole school assemblies on famous scientists such as George Boole, Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton. The event concluded with awarding certificates of participation in the Science Exhibition. Everyone agreed it was a great event and we look forward to our participation next year. The school’s activities during Science and Maths week (October) will count towards applying for an excellence award in Primary Science and Maths which will be awarded in 2016.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Yeats Poetry 

4th , 5th & 6th class studied the poetry of W. B. Yeats and inspired by this they wrote wonderful poems, and some have been chosen to be entered into The Blackrock Education Centre,Yeats Poetry Competition. 

See some of their poems below: 

The Enchanted Forest of Oak
The first light of a new day unfolds
The sun blankets the ocean,
Rays of sunlight break through
the enchanted forest.
For the spirits have finished
their party.
Flowers are being showered
by fiery sunlight,
I see a girl on a white horse,
She whispers in my ear,
                     Come away! Come away!
                          Come away!

By Adam 5th class 


Walking down the beach with the orange sun setting,
I think to myself many depressing dark thoughts.
As I reach the forest my anger brews,
The sun soon sets leaving me in pitch black.

As the small thin layer of hard, dead leaves
Starts to thin, I realize I am not where I thought.
My ever ageing lamp soon starts to dim,
The orientation of the land is changing.

Suddenly there are no trees around me,
I am lost, the only indication of land
Is the small pitter-patter of a nearby stream.
My anger changes to sadness and fear.

With this sudden change of heart,
The dark is extinguished like a blazing flame deprived of air.
The presence of death is removed from the land,
To be replaced by a blinding light.
I tried to turn back but I could not
I took a step forward and I was on the beach,

Just as I had been only moments ago.

By Harry 6th class 


Dancing with Nature

I was walking slowly through the trees,
With the awakening winds,
Flowing through my unbound hair.

The carpet of leaves and moss,
Soft on my bare feet,
As I made my way swiftly by  the trees.

The light spilled from the gaps
Between the branches,
And the sound of the running water,
Flooded to my ears.

I followed it,
To find a beautiful ancient oak tree,
With a stream and waterfall at its side,
The sunrays dancing,
On the silver water.

I tried to get rid of my mortal dreams,
To live this moment for as long as I could,
Until the sun disappeared,
 Until the stains of light fade away…

By Nele 6th Class 


Lovely Sligo
we are young,
we are in love,
and we are wandering Sligo together,
we sit up above the water,
and I persuade him to jump in.

we love all sligo’s beautiful features,
the carpets of leaves in the hazel wood,
where we walk in bare feet,
where he hauls himself onto the tree,
and he pulls me up after him,
we sit up there for hours,
admiring the beautiful views.

 By Jazmine 5th Class 


The Fairy
The fire flaming in early dawn
In a mystical forest,
In lands far away

The fire fairy is  dancing in the flames,
Her fiery hair blowing in the wind
Her flaming dress flowing in the breeze
Running out of the fire
As I see her fading away into the dark forest.

I follow her to the waterfall
Which trickles  into the silver pools
In mystical lands afar,
She skates on silver lily pads
Jumping from boulder
 To boulder covered in a blanket of moss.
The little  fairy is dancing
Hiding shyly in the waterfall
From the sight of  me.

By Isabelle 4th class 


Sunbeam, Emerald and all I can see,
I spot a cairn ,no lock no key,
The stony mountain overlooking a gleaming fountain,
The crystal water,
Reflecting the fairies flutter,
The winds cry,
Making the lake sigh,
Sunbeams of emerald,
Are all I can see ,
I spot a cairn, no lock no key.

By Nadia 4th class 


The Mists of Sligo

The Mist of Sligo,
Invading the tops of the mountain
As the wind flies around,
Silver mist trickling
As the magical fairies
Were blowing tiny bubbles
Into the hurricane of grass and leaves

The salty sea is spraying the shore
The waves crashing against the rushy bay
The sun’s reflection sparkling
Against the crystal  ripples.
Of the shiny rock pools.

By Robert 4th class 


Grainne’s Dance
Grainne is wondering the magical
Country-side of Ireland,
Spreading beauty everywhere,
Her golden hair wild,
As she jumps the crystal waters,
Runs over dew tipped grass,
And climbs the highest mountains,
No one sees her,
But she’s there,
Wandering the bright country-side,
Unknown to the mortal world. 

By Lauren 5th class